Written by 2:58 pm AI, Discussions

### Strategies to Combat Bias in AI Models

How do you correct your data when the problem is including demographics that have long been exclude…

“Garbage in, garbage out” stands as a foundational principle in computing, originating during the era of punchcards in programming. Despite technological advancements, this concept remains steadfast. Poor-quality data inevitably leads to subpar outcomes, a timeless truth.

The evolution lies in the repercussions of these outcomes due to the increasing reliance on AI for decision-making. Within marketing, algorithms wield significant influence, dictating audience segmentation, optimal creatives, and channel selection. However, even with meticulously curated and pristine data, there exists a critical flaw—the exclusion of a substantial portion of individuals whose data remains absent.

One such marginalized group comprises women.

Bhuva Shakti, a former Wall Street professional now specializing in digital and AI ethics transformation, sheds light on this issue.

The Impact of Missing Data on Economic Activity

Shakti highlights the challenges faced by women seeking financial support for ventures such as opening a store. When these women approach financial institutions, their data, often rife with biases, incompleteness, or historical systemic prejudices, is entered into the system.

Historically, certain demographics, like women, have been deprived of economic opportunities, leading to biased data sets. For example, women who were previously unable to secure bank loans resorted to informal sources, leaving no trace of credit history for future reference.

Delve Deeper: Exploring Diversity and Inclusion in Numbers

In the United States, systemic obstacles created by banks and government entities have hindered Black individuals from obtaining mortgages since as early as 1936. Homeownership plays a pivotal role in wealth accumulation for families. This stark disparity is evident in the median net worth comparison between white households (approximately \(250,000) and Black households (merely \)8) in the Greater Boston area as of 2015.

The ramifications of biased data are far-reaching, as it forms the basis for consequential decision-making processes, perpetuating a cycle of inaccuracies.

Shakti emphasizes the perpetual nature of AI algorithms, which continuously learn from past biased data, reinforcing skewed outcomes. Without new insights to prompt course correction, these algorithms operate in a loop, replicating historical biases.

Addressing Data Gaps with Synthetic Data

In scenarios where data is nonexistent, rectifying these gaps poses a unique challenge. Shakti introduces the concept of synthetic data—an artificially generated dataset utilized for testing mathematical and machine learning models. By customizing synthetic data to fill missing information tailored to individual profiles, decision-making processes can be enhanced.

However, a notable concern with synthetic data is its potential resemblance to real data, raising the risk of misuse across multiple profiles. Therefore, Shakti advocates for synthetic data as one component of a multifaceted solution.

Rigorous Model Testing and Organizational Accountability

Stress-testing models across diverse demographics forms another crucial aspect of data integrity. By subjecting models to various scenarios representing different backgrounds, organizations can refine algorithms to be inclusive and unbiased.

Nevertheless, organizational commitment remains paramount. The leadership must recognize the detrimental impact of inaccurate data on resource allocation. Establishing a culture of ethics, governance, and accountability within the C-suite is essential. This proactive approach ensures transparency in data usage, correction, and reporting, both internally and externally.

Shakti underscores the indispensable role of human oversight in decision-making processes involving AI. While AI offers efficiency and accuracy, human intervention is critical to mitigate biases. Ultimately, human-integrated decision-making serves as a safeguard against biased outcomes perpetuated by AI algorithms.

In conclusion, AI’s transformative potential necessitates a holistic approach encompassing ethical considerations, governance practices, and organizational accountability. By acknowledging the limitations of AI in rectifying flawed data, organizations can pave the way for more informed and equitable decision-making processes.

About the author

Constantine von Hoffman

Constantine von Hoffman serves as the managing editor of MarTech, bringing a wealth of experience in business, finance, marketing, and technology journalism. With a diverse background spanning various reputable publications, Con’s expertise enriches the realm of industry insights. Beyond his editorial pursuits, Con has ventured into stand-up comedy, public speaking engagements, and literary endeavors. Residing in Boston with his wife and a fluctuating number of canine companions, Con embodies a multifaceted professional with a passion for storytelling and knowledge dissemination.

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