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### Enhancing Team Energy: 3 AI-Powered Methods for Managerial Rejuvenation

In the age of AI, managers must evolve from supervisor to coach, helping their teams learn, explore…

By 2030, AI could potentially replace around 12 million jobs in the United States, as reported by the McKinsey Global Institute. This shift prompts many individuals to reconsider their career paths and what it takes to thrive in the evolving landscape.

Nevertheless, AI also presents opportunities for fostering innovative business ventures, leading to a surge in demand for specialized skills and employment prospects. As traditional job roles evolve, the responsibilities of leaders need to be reassessed. In the era of AI, managers must transition from mere oversight to becoming enablers, guiding their teams in understanding, exploring, and embracing AI-driven possibilities while ensuring their achievements.

The era of AI-driven work calls for a more collaborative leadership style, especially when there is no definitive playbook to follow. Managers now need to support their team members in navigating a realm where job functions are fluid, skill requirements are ever-changing, and individual well-being and adaptability take precedence. Fortunately, technology offers evidence-based strategies for managers to enhance their leadership capabilities and steer their teams effectively in the AI era.

Embrace Vulnerability as a Strength

Contrary to popular belief, vulnerability is not a sign of weakness. Research conducted by Harvard professor Amy Edmonson in 2023 indicates that acknowledging one’s vulnerabilities fosters respect and cultivates a culture of continuous learning. In the age of Artificial Intelligence, where expertise is scarce and everyone is learning together, pretending to have all the answers is counterproductive. Admitting to uncertainties promotes authenticity, leading to more engaged and cohesive teams. Team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and suggestions when they perceive that everyone is on an equal footing.

Focus on Questions, Not Solutions

While professionals are often expected to provide solutions, in the dynamic AI landscape, managers should focus on stimulating critical thinking within their teams and encouraging individual self-discovery. By employing Socratic questioning, managers can inspire team members to explore solutions, fostering creativity and adaptability. This shifts the manager’s role from being a provider of answers to a facilitator of knowledge.

Embrace Ignorance and Failure as Opportunities for Growth

The conventional wisdom of leveraging strengths becomes less effective in a world where AI capabilities are limited. Relying solely on existing skills may hinder progress as individuals may struggle to adapt to changing circumstances. By objectively evaluating team members’ competencies (utilizing tools like scientific personality assessments) or conducting project reviews, managers can identify areas for development and investment. Subsequently, managers can implement a structured set of start, stop, and continue actions to maintain a transparent and meaningful coaching process.

A compelling real-world example is Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella. As reported by the Wall Street Journal in 2019, Microsoft underwent a cultural shift from a group of “know-it-alls” to “learn-it-alls” under his leadership. By fostering a growth mindset among managers and encouraging employees to forge new paths, Microsoft has positioned itself at the forefront of the AI revolution.

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Last modified: January 17, 2024
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