Written by 7:59 pm AI Device, Big Tech companies, ConceptualAI

### Samsung’s Focus in 2024: Enhancing Performance, Quality, and Conceptual AI

The company wants to prioritize retaining its technological supremacy. It’s a new year, so it…

Making resolutions for the New Year is a commendable practice as the season unfolds. Samsung shares this sentiment and, in a recent New Year’s message, the company outlined its plans through the voices of co-CEO and Vice Chairman Han Jong-hee, along with vice president and leader Kyung Kye-hyun.

To sustain its competitive edge in 2024 and beyond, Samsung has unveiled its strategic priorities for the upcoming year, placing a strong emphasis on the pursuit of “cutting-edge space technology.” The company aims to enhance its profitability by leveraging “technological supremacy and adaptability to potential shifts.”

Samsung plans to focus on performance, quality, and generative AI in 2024

Within Samsung’s smart, home appliance, and software sectors, the executives have underscored a “customer-centric” approach focusing on excellence and reliability. Furthermore, they have called upon the conglomerate’s device manufacturing division to fortify its position by bridging contemporary trends with its competitors.

Additionally, they have stressed the importance of taking proactive measures to address forthcoming technological landscape changes, such as AI, sustainable practices, and the concept of “lifestyle innovation,” signaling a shift towards the integration of relational AI in operational workflows.

Samsung plans to focus on performance, quality, and generative AI in 2024

The statement elaborates on this theme: “We aim to enhance operational efficiency and user experience through the application of conceptual AI in our processes.” There is a need for a fundamental shift in mindset to envision the organic developments of the future, transitioning from conventional responses to forward-thinking strategies.

The upcoming launch of the Galaxy S24 is anticipated to revolve around AI, particularly in the realm of wireless technology. It will be intriguing to witness the innovative outputs from Samsung’s diverse divisions throughout the course of 2024.

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Last modified: January 15, 2024
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