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### Meeting Five Laborers Who Successfully Transitioned to AI: A Journey into the Tech Industry

AI jobs are among this year’s hottest roles. We spoke to five people who quit jobs from accou…

For the last thirty years, Moritz Kremb has served as a solution director at a startup based in the United States. Throughout this time, he harbored a strong desire to establish his own venture. The release of Next ChatGPT from OpenAI marked a significant milestone in his journey.

While on paternal leave in February 2023, Kremb delved into exploring the functionalities of the systems. Having utilized the bot extensively at his workplace for brainstorming, research, and documentation creation, he was pleasantly surprised by the efficiency it brought to his tasks.

In an interview with Business Insider, the 34-year-old expressed his conviction, stating, “You could immediately sense that these systems were a game-changer.”

Inspired by this realization, he conceived the idea of curating social media content centered around AI technologies like ChatGPT, aiming to monetize his efforts.

By April, Kremb commenced regular postings on various platforms, initially focusing on Twitter, to share insights on AI-related topics such as AI assistant tools and the impact of ChatGPT innovations. His online presence quickly garnered a substantial following, leading to lucrative opportunities. Startups like 10Web and Individual AI reached out to collaborate on advertising their AI products, while his followers expressed interest in receiving ChatGPT training sessions.

It became evident to Kremb that post his parental leave, his primary focus would be on scaling his entrepreneurial venture. Consequently, in June, he made the decision to resign from his position to dedicate himself fully to the AI project.

Moritz Kremb transitioned from his role as a goods director to concentrate on his AI startup. The integrity of Moritz Kremb’s character and dedication to his vision were unwavering.

Kremb is not alone in his decision to pivot from a traditional career to pursue opportunities in the realm of AI. This trend is indicative of the substantial investments pouring into ChatGPT and associated ventures.

Tech giants like Meta, Netflix, and Amazon have been actively seeking individuals proficient in creating AI models, with some offering salaries reaching up to $900,000 annually. Beyond the tech industry, non-tech sectors such as healthcare, education, and governance are also scouting for talent well-versed in leveraging AI tools.

Moreover, the advent of conceptual AI has spawned a niche market comprising ancillary services like ChatGPT training programs, IoT content curation, as well as novel job roles like automation engineers and chief AI officers.

Employees are increasingly wagering their careers on AI to capitalize on the burgeoning trend. Many are acquiring new skill sets to stay competitive in the job market, while others are taking the leap to establish their AI-centric enterprises.

Business Insider conducted interviews with five individuals, including Kremb, who embraced this transition, and none of them expressed regret over their decision thus far.

The realm of Artificial Intelligence brims with promise.

According to Justin Fineberg, the demand for AI-driven solutions is substantial. Justin, a New Yorker, founded Cassidy after departing from his role as a goods manager at Blade, an Uber for aircrafts. Cassidy is an AI-focused enterprise aimed at aiding other AI businesses. He cited his departure from the previous job stemmed from his firm belief in the enduring relevance of AI technologies across industries.

The exponential growth of his AI-centric content on social media served as a testament to the market demand. By creating TikTok videos on ChatGPT applications, business AI insights, and the latest AI breakthroughs, the 25-year-old garnered millions of views in the months leading up to his career shift. By December, he had amassed over 220,000 TikTok followers.

The positive reception of his content reinforced Fineberg’s conviction regarding the necessity of AI services that enhance both personal and professional spheres. Despite likening his departure to “taking a leap of faith,” he remains optimistic about the future prospects.

Jacqueline DeStefano-Tangorra, a former PwC accountant who transitioned into a consultancy role, echoed similar sentiments. Her stint on an AI project at PwC underscored the transformative potential of AI, a realization further solidified upon leveraging ChatGPT for her tasks. The evolving landscape of AI, with its automation capabilities, presented an opportunity for her to evolve into a conceptual AI specialist.

Reflecting on her journey, Jacqueline remarked, “The vast possibilities that lie ahead dawned on me. I understood the imperative of adapting to this new paradigm.”

Jacqueline DeStefano-Tangorra seized the opportunity to impart AI expertise to her clientele.

Acquiring AI proficiency may pose challenges, but prior experiences can be leveraged.

While some professionals swiftly transitioned into the AI domain, others undertook preparatory measures to bridge the skills gap.

Ted Lebantino, after an extensive tenure at Lockheed Martin in the San Francisco Bay Area, embarked on a learning journey to equip himself for an AI role. Following weeks of enrolling in free online courses on machine learning techniques via platforms like Coursera, he kickstarted his AI career as an assistant engineer at LinkedIn through the REACH program. Tasked with developing machine learning models safeguarding user data, Ted acknowledged the steep learning curve associated with mastering AI model creation. Emphasizing the industry’s specialized nature, he highlighted the necessity of acquiring new programming skills and soft skills like seeking assistance when needed.

Ted Lebantino stressed the significant learning curve entailed in mastering AI competencies. Despite the challenges, not all professionals transitioning to AI roles had to commence from scratch in acquiring new skill sets.

Javier Orman, a former professional violinist and music educator now employed at LinkedIn, found that many of his musical proficiencies seamlessly translated into his new role in Chicago. According to the 39-year-old, skills such as effective communication, presentation, and resilience in the face of learning obstacles proved invaluable in his transition.

Javier Orman underscored how his musical background complements his foray into machine learning.

DeStefano-Tangorra noted that her prior experience as an accountant equipped her with essential skills like data cleaning, structuring, and analysis, which she seamlessly applied to her AI consultancy services.

Embarking on an AI career requires a blend of learning and leveraging existing strengths.

All the AI professionals interviewed by Business Insider unanimously agreed that transitioning careers was a rewarding decision.

Kremb, through sponsorships, audience growth strategies, and client education on AI utilization, continues to derive substantial income from his AI venture as of November. His future plans entail expanding his business offerings to include fast libraries and personalized AI chatbot solutions for enterprises.

Fineberg and DeStefano-Tangorra expressed satisfaction with the progress they have made post-transition.

Since the inception of Cassidy, Fineberg has onboarded a dedicated team, amassed a sizable subscriber base, and secured \(625,000 in venture capital funding in March. DeStefano-Tangorra, within a mere three months of working solo, clinched contracts worth \)128,000 by educating clients on integrating AI into their operations. Presently, she is exploring collaborations to develop bespoke bots utilizing GPT designs.

Kremb advises aspiring AI enthusiasts to establish their authority in the field by disseminating AI-centric content on social media platforms. Building credibility online can pave the way for lucrative collaborations and advertising opportunities.

DeStefano-Tangorra advocates continuous learning through courses and staying abreast of the latest AI trends.

Lebantino and Orman encourage career switchers not to let apprehensions about venturing into uncharted territory hinder their professional growth.

Fineberg, the CEO of an AI startup, contends that one can kickstart their AI journey without leaving their current job. By positioning oneself as the in-house AI expert who streamlines workflows, individuals can take the first step towards advancing their AI careers.

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Last modified: January 2, 2024
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