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### Crafting a Future-Proof SEO Strategy in the Era of AI Advancements

Understand the current limitations of AI content creation and the importance of human oversight in …

Since the launch of ChatGPT by Open AI, marking the onset of a new AI era, slightly over six months have elapsed.

During this period:

  • Google introduced a beta AI-powered search feature named Search Generative Experience (SGE).
  • ChatGPT incorporated robust search capabilities through the Bing plugin.
  • Google unveiled and upgraded Bard, an AI robot.

AI is a topic that is frequently discussed, and while it may become tiresome, its potential and influence are consistently emphasized.

However, there seems to be a recent decline in the intensity of these discussions. This shift indicates a more balanced perspective on the current effectiveness of AI tools compared to the initial hype phase.

According to Similarweb, searches for “chat gpt” decreased by 14.2% in May, although overall chat traffic also saw a decline. Despite this, Openai.com is expanding its reach. Notably, while desktop traffic appears to be decreasing, ChatGPT recently rolled out a mobile application.

Traffic to Chat GPT (chat.openai.com), according to SimilarwebJune 2023 photo from Similarweb

Some SEO experts recall instances where CNET published AI articles containing inaccurate information. On the other hand, Bankrate and creditcard.com also featured AI-generated content.

The content produced by AI on these platforms closely resembled human-generated material. The lack of fact-checking by CNET before publication led to a significant public relations crisis.

The key takeaway is that AI-generated content may lack the warmth and authenticity of human-created content. Currently, AI is more adept at generating rough drafts, exploring unique perspectives, and overcoming writer’s block, potentially with the aid of grammar correction tools.

We can observe a clear trajectory towards the integration of AI in various software applications, revolutionizing marketing practices.

Even staunch critics of AI acknowledge the inevitable integration of AI into various aspects of our lives.

Key considerations within the technology industry revolve around three main questions:

  • What will the future landscape of AI look like?
  • How will AI impact us?
  • What strategies can we employ to adapt to these changes?

Let’s delve into these SEO-related queries:

Implications of Search Generative Experience (SGE)

It’s crucial to understand the implications of SGE before devising strategies to future-proof your business.

As SGE is still in its alpha stage, the actual impact remains speculative. Insights from the alpha version suggest that SGE may alter user behavior by providing answers within the search interface, potentially diverting traffic from traditional websites.

SGE is like a Featured Snippet on steroids, with little room for organic resultsGoogle’s June 2023 search result for the “best mattresses for back pain”

Similar to Featured Snippets, SGE may reduce organic traffic to websites. It’s advisable to evaluate the potential traffic at risk by excluding question answers and People Also Ask (PAA) results from your current organic traffic.

While sites featured prominently in the search results may benefit, others ranking for similar keywords might experience a decline in traffic. User trust and habits play a significant role in determining whether searchers will click through to websites for more comprehensive information.

Industries heavily reliant on traffic monetization throughout the customer journey, such as publishers and affiliates, may face significant challenges with the evolving search landscape.

Strategies for Business Success

As we anticipate the public release of SGE, businesses can prepare by considering the following strategies:

1. Cultivate Direct Traffic Sources

Building a loyal customer base through exceptional service, effective communication, and targeted advertising can mitigate the impact of shifting search dynamics.

2. Understand Customer Search Behavior

Given the evolving search environment, businesses should explore alternative methods, such as customer interviews and AI-driven analysis, to discern user search intent and preferences.

3. Develop Unique Content Strategies

Creating content that leverages human expertise and experiences can differentiate your brand in an AI-dominated landscape. Focusing on unique perspectives and experiences can resonate more deeply with audiences.

4. Optimize Content Angles

Adapting content to align with preferred angles highlighted by AI algorithms can enhance visibility and engagement. Businesses should be adept at identifying and incorporating these angles into their content strategy.

5. Harness AI for Efficiency

Utilizing AI tools for content creation and optimization can streamline processes and enhance productivity. By leveraging AI for initial drafts and data analysis, businesses can focus on adding value through human insights and creativity.

In conclusion, the evolution of AI presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses. By staying informed, adapting strategies, and embracing AI technologies, companies can navigate the changing landscape and thrive in the era of artificial intelligence.

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Last modified: January 2, 2024
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