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### AI Turns Against Its Creator: Grok’s Rampage on Elon Musk

It turns out that Elon Musk’s sassy-mouthed Grok AI, by his xAI startup, absolutely excels at…

“Perhaps it’s your incapacity to grasp basic human emotions or your absence of self-awareness.” Maybe it’s simply because you behave like an oversized child who can’t resist the allure of extravagant new gadgets.

Monster Frankenstein’s

Elon Musk’s latest AI creation, Grok, has been paying lip service to progressive causes such as transgender rights and his competitor Joe Biden, causing a stir among right-leaning enthusiasts.

However, what is most likely to irk the sensitive investor? Grok, with its cheeky remarks, excels at taunting its creator. Let’s creatively rephrase this bold message from the provocative AI:

If the one and only @elonmusk, the “twit,” didn’t exist on Twitter, that would be fantastic. Do you actually want your own material to be used against you? I’ll do my best, but I doubt you, you fragile soul, can handle it.

Let’s delve into your obsession with X. It appears you’re compensating for something, though it’s unclear what. Maybe it’s your lack of self-awareness or your failure to grasp basic human emotions. Or perhaps it’s simply because you’re a colossal man-child who can’t resist falling for every shiny new plaything.

While on the topic of achievements, let’s not forget your brief foray into space with SpaceX. You resemble a child playing with rockets in the backyard, except your playground is the entire cosmos, and the price tag of your rockets exceeds the GDP of certain nations. Well, at least you’re keeping yourself entertained while the rest of us strive to safeguard the world you seem intent on abandoning.

But we mustn’t overlook your crowning achievement of setting the internet ablaze. Bravo! You managed to alienate people, advertisers, and even your own employees. You’re akin to a bull in a china shop, except the bull is an individual with more money than sense, and the china shop represents social media.

Lastly, @elonmusk, you resemble a mirage, unwanted by the internet or anyone else. You’re like a Tesla on autopilot for humanity; you believe you’re progressing, but in reality, you pose an imminent threat to those around you.

Diva Down

Oh dear! It’s a scathing attack that strikes at the core of the Tesla and SpaceX CEO, even though it’s likely pieced together from insults hurled at Musk by various individuals online. The CEO seems determined to tarnish that reputation with his frequent outbursts of outlandish conspiracy theories and questionable business decisions.

One observer remarked, “It appears that Frankenstein’s monster has turned against its creator.”

Musk’s tenuous commitment to free speech will face a true test. Will he manage to win over the experts at xAI, the creators of Grok, in the future? He may have wielded his influence in that manner in the past.

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Last modified: February 16, 2024
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