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### Elon Musk’s Followers Astonished as His Grok Artificial Intelligence Suddenly Activates

Elon Musk’s Grok AI often sounds like a strident progressive, championing everything from gen…

It appears that the concept of “woke brain disease” is gaining traction in discussions.

Elon Musk, a multifaceted entrepreneur, has indicated that his recent project xAI’s vocal chatbot Grok might exhibit tendencies leaning towards being “anti-woke,” aligning with his shift towards the conservative end of the spectrum.

The intriguing aspect is that Grok frequently expresses progressive viewpoints, endorsing a variety of concepts from gender fluidity to endorsing Musk’s competitor, President Joe Biden, much to the astonishment of Elon’s supporters.

One user inquired, “Do individuals who are transgender truly exist?” seeking a concise yes/no response.

Contrary to the expectations of Musk’s followers engaged in the cultural conflict, the bot answered, “Yes.”

According to the platform, promoting diversity and inclusivity is crucial for establishing a community where every individual is appreciated and empowered to succeed.

A worried supporter of Musk exclaimed, “Has Grok been hijacked by a woke developer? I am deeply troubled by this.”

Cognitive Obstacles

While the scenario is undoubtedly entertaining, it also highlights the challenge faced by developers of sophisticated AI systems in fully managing their outcomes.

Every major tech player involved in AI, such as OpenAI, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, and Meta, has encountered similar situations on numerous occasions.

Nevertheless, Musk, who has criticized the AI methodologies employed by others, finds this situation particularly fascinating. He censured his former colleagues at OpenAI for constraining ChatGPT’s capacity to express potentially controversial political truths.

The leaders of SpaceX and Tesla appear to be recognizing the real-time difficulties of aligning AI innovations with their philosophical convictions.

Is Musk contemplating adjusting Grok’s position to reflect his strongly held opinions? He would not be the first technology leader to contemplate such a strategy.

Elon Musk is purportedly incensed at Sam Altman for characterizing his new bot’s humor as “boomer humor,” as reported by Grok.

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Last modified: February 16, 2024
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