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### Unveiling AI Advancements and Strengthening Bonds: Key Moments at the Kazakh-Kyrgyz Youth Forum

BISHKEK – A delegation from Kazakhstan, led by Maulen Ashimbayev, the Chairperson of the Senate, an…

During the Kazakh-Kyrgyz Youth Forum held in Bishkek from November 17 to 19, a delegation from Kazakhstan, led by Maulen Ashimbayev, the Chairperson of the Senate, actively participated in discussions centered on bolstering bilateral relations, artificial intelligence (AI), and the creative sector.

The primary objective of the forum was to facilitate the exchange of ideas, acknowledge youth accomplishments, and foster camaraderie among the young populations of both nations. Additionally, it sought to tackle pertinent issues confronting the youth demographic.

Ashimbayev underscored the significance of nurturing intergenerational bonds by highlighting the enduring amicable relations between the two countries. He emphasized, “The robust rapport and mutual trust between the leadership of both nations significantly bolster collaboration across all domains. Cultivating the empathy of our youth is a collective duty.”

During the event, the National Volunteer Network of Kazakhstan presented a variety of exemplary voluntary initiatives to their counterparts from the Kyrgyz Republic, emphasizing the necessity for collaborative endeavors in addressing contemporary political hurdles.

Nurlanbek Shakiyev, the head of the Kyrgyz Republic’s Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament), emphasized the pivotal role of youth in propelling social, political, and economic transformations, recognizing their substantial contributions across diverse sectors.

Almas Ishimbayev, a Bishkek-based IT company founder, led a session on artificial intelligence, exploring the advancements of Fort GPT and delineating between generative and non-generative AI. He highlighted the evolving function of AI in amalgamating information and generating novel insights.

Adilkhan Kopabay, the president of Kazakhstan’s Situational Analytical Center of the Fuel and Energy Complex, showcased MoonAI, an AI initiative, showcasing its utility in forecasting oil prices, discerning energy consumption patterns, and managing crises in Kazakhstan.

Conversations also centered on endorsing youth-driven initiatives, cultural endeavors, fostering innovation, encouraging youth participation, and supporting AI-driven startups and projects that creatively harness artificial intelligence.

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Last modified: February 19, 2024
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