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### Driving AI-Powered Vehicles: IU Experts at the Wheel

Indiana University is teaming up with CODE 19 racing, an Indianapolis-based autonomous racing franc…

The Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University is partnering with CODE19, an intelligent race organization based in Indianapolis, to develop an AI-driven vehicle.

Heading the research at the facility for automobile autonomy and intelligence is Professor Lantao Liu.

According to Liu, a significant amount of coding will be necessary as the AI driver will be crafted at IU Luddy School.

The script will mimic every action a human driver could make on the track, including accelerating, decelerating, changing lanes, and overtaking other vehicles.

In order to ensure that the car behaves on the racetrack akin to human drivers, the AI driver will make decisions to supplant human choices.

The final product will emulate a human-operated race car, albeit without a human driver.

Liu’s future aspiration is to advance education at IU by exploring the capabilities of AI drivers and pushing the boundaries of AI.

Collaborating on this project are undergraduate and graduate students from IU, supervised by PHD candidates. They are organized into teams, each responsible for developing a specific component of the vehicle.

Liu expressed, “If we consider racing cars as a fascinating sport, we aim to investigate whether AI drivers can eventually match or even exceed human drivers.”

Once the vehicle is completed, the Luddy School plans to pit it against other AI-powered vehicles and human race car drivers worldwide in competitions.

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Last modified: February 19, 2024
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