Would you like to play a dating game? The chances are high, considering that over 300 million individuals utilize them, roughly equivalent to the populations of the US and half of Europe combined. Is the future shifting away from mere growth towards a revolutionary emphasis on real-life connections, diverging from current trends?
Despite departing from the well-known dating platform with a vision to combat loneliness using technology, Renate Nyborg emerged as Tinder’s inaugural female CEO.
Now, she is unveiling Meeno, a novel application leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to tackle interpersonal challenges. Nyborg envisions a future with fewer online relationships and a resurgence of face-to-face interactions.
In the new podcast series “My Wildest Prediction” by Euronews Business, futurists in business and technology, Tom Goodwin and Renate Nyborg, delve into her boldest passions and chatbot forecasts in their inaugural dialogue.
Are dating apps the sole recourse for Gen Z in quest of companionship?
As per a 2023 Company of Apps report, the global user base of dating apps surpasses 300 million. To put this into perspective, this figure mirrors the entire US populace and half of Europe.
Tinder, a decade-old platform, reigns as the crown jewel of online dating, boasting 75 million active users.
Contrary to statistical projections, the trajectory may not be veering towards expansion.
Particularly among Gen Z, aged 18 to 25, a noticeable trend towards organic social interactions has gained momentum in recent years, as highlighted by Renate Nyborg. She notes, “It’s becoming increasingly prevalent.”
She further elaborates, “Every individual I engage with in the 18 to 25 age bracket expresses a strong desire to forge authentic connections.”
How does AI foster a sense of connection?
Loneliness has emerged as a modern-day epidemic.
A 2023 EU report on grief reveals that at least one in ten European Union residents grapple with persistent loneliness.
The COVID-19 crisis exacerbated this issue, with 13% of EU respondents in a 25,000-participant grief survey admitting to feeling lonely for a significant portion of their day.
In the US, a Pew Research study found that 42% of adults experienced feelings of depression during the pandemic.
Former Tinder CEO Nyborg, now spearheading Meeno, a unique app focusing on relationship guidance rather than online matchmaking, aims to address this societal challenge.
Distinct from a virtual companion or counselor, Meeno assumes the role of a personal mentor.
Drawing parallels to Remy from Disney’s “Ratatouille,” Nyborg describes Meeno as a guide to help individuals navigate relationships rather than culinary endeavors.
Nyborg finds it intriguing that the creators of certain applications are now transitioning towards developing tools that facilitate real-world connections.
She underscores that combating loneliness stands as her life’s mission.
In Nyborg’s view, “Apart from the climate crisis, loneliness represents the most significant battle of our era.” It poses an existential threat to our identities and societal fabric, emphasizing the vital role of close relationships in our lives.