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### AI’s Impact on the Culinary World: Disappointing Pasta and the Revolutionizing Role of Artificial Intelligence

While the great and the good worry about the dangers of artificial intelligence, my friends are emb…

For OpenAI, the progenitor of ChatGPT, this week has been brimming with activity. Sam Altman, the company’s dynamic CEO, was suddenly ousted by the board, sparking a potential exodus of over 600 employees if he is not reinstated promptly. (But fret not for Altman; Microsoft has swiftly acquired the 38-year-old for an undisclosed sum.)

As a poet, I feel compelled to wager on my interpretation of McNae’s Essential Law for Journalists by affirming that I did not peruse this piece utilizing OpenAI’s automated system. Why the admission then? Its reputation in the media realm resembles clay, molded by the ill-fated endeavors of entities like BuzzFeed in AI-driven content creation. Disclosing the use of ChatGPT is akin to conceding faith in the notion that Skynet had merit or that the T-1000 was simply misunderstood.

I have often viewed the AI tool as somewhat of an outcast, a dubious productivity enhancer. Embracing it implied deeming one’s own efforts superfluous, akin to exclaiming, “Automate me, Agent Smith!” in The Matrix. Yet, gradually, I have come to realize its adoption in innovative ways by acquaintances. Over a casual breakfast, a friend mentioned, “I employ it for crafting emails. People anticipate lengthy, polite responses when all I require is a simple ‘Yes, proceed’ or ‘No, halt,’ so I task ChatGPT with elaborating my messages.”

A colleague en route to a wedding shared how he inputs data into ChatGPT to glean insights during dull moments. Despite occasional inaccuracies, it often yields intriguing concepts. Recently, at a dinner gathering, a friend inputted his refrigerator contents into ChatGPT to devise a meal plan. Who would have imagined concocting spaghetti bolognese from leftover vegetable juice remnants?

This is a far cry from the realm of I, Robot. Amidst the tech industry theatrics and speculative fervor about the unknown future, it is easy to overlook the mundane integration of AI tools by individuals seeking efficiency and convenience. ChatGPT reportedly engages approximately 100 million users monthly. Not all online users are nefarious fabricators spinning tales of Bugs Bunny engaging in inappropriate antics with Scrooge McDuck.

A glimpse at the timelines of its ardent proponents, formerly Twitter users, reveals that with the right tools, anyone can channel their inner Picasso or Jane Austen. While musicians, writers, and filmmakers may harbor concerns about AI’s implications, thus far, the AI-generated creations pale in comparison to human ingenuity. Perhaps AI will merely churn out a slew of “adequate” outputs. That response from ChatGPT? It may lack the finesse of a human touch but suffices within deadlines. Could an AI-infused trend report serve adequately if a client has left you in a bind? Consider it a time-saving measure, if necessary. The pertinent question remains: Would you admit to leveraging ChatGPT to complete tasks ahead of schedule if queried by your superior?

As for the AI-crafted spaghetti bolognese dish, it proved to be a delectable delight. Regrettably, Chef-GPT’s creation could benefit from a dash more flavor: extra garlic, a sprinkle of sea salt, or perhaps a mischievous hint of anchovy for that umami richness. Nigella need not fret, for the human touch still reigns supreme in infusing dishes with soulful essence, at least for now.

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Last modified: February 22, 2024
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