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### FDA-approved AI-Powered SF Ultrasound Center Accelerates Breast Cancer Diagnosis

The typical breast screening age is 40 for mammography. Ultrasound screening is often preferred for…

San Francisco (KGO)–A rapid and efficient ultrasound technology is now utilizing FDA-approved artificial intelligence to detect various types of breast cancer, often leading to quicker and more effective identification.

The sole ultrasound imaging center in San Francisco equipped with AI capabilities utilizes Eve Wellness to enhance screening procedures.

Jenna’s Account

Jenna Williams, diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at 38, was taken aback.

“I’m so young,” Williams expressed. “This just can’t be happening.”

Upon discovering the lump, she struggled to secure a timely appointment with her physician.

“I needed immediate assistance,” she emphasized.

After reaching out to Eve Wellness, she managed to schedule a consultation within 12 days.

Within eight days, she commenced her treatment.

“It significantly expedited the entire diagnostic process for me,” she remarked.

Brendan Foley, co-leader at Eve Wellness, mentioned the utilization of an ABUS (automated breast ultrasound system), a technology present in only three scanners per side in San Francisco, focusing on one side of the breasts.

The reviewing physician then receives the imaging results through the clinic’s AI scan. Foley explained that the AI software compares the images with approximately 200 million additional breast scans.

Foley stated, “Breast cancer affects about one in eight individuals in the U.S., and one in four with a family history.” “Leveraging artificial intelligence with this technology enhances our success rate.”

The Procedure

While the standard age for mammogram breast screening is 40, younger patients often prefer ultrasound testing due to its non-radiation nature and lack of doctor’s referral or age constraints.

The screening process commences with a “risk assessment” for individuals undergoing the check, evaluating their lifetime risk of breast cancer.

Prior to the scan, a water-based gel is applied to facilitate image capture. The procedure costs approximately $350 and lasts around 20 minutes, with results typically available within 48 hours.

“Typically, tumors appear lighter on the scan,” noted Kierstyn Taylor, the medical imaging expert.

Moreover, the ultrasound scan captures images in areas that may not be detected by mammography.

Physicians overseeing patient care have reported zero misdiagnoses of breast cancer since implementing AI technology three years ago.

Insights from Researchers

Research from the National Cancer Institute indicates that women with dense breast tissue are more prone to missed cancer detection on mammograms.

Dr. Laura Esserman, a physician and breast cancer specialist at UCSF, highlighted the challenges posed by dense breast tissue in obtaining accurate mammogram results.

Esserman, who heads the Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center at UCSF, suggested contrast-based examinations like IV contrast mammograms or MRIs as alternatives for women with dense breast tissue, especially those with genetic predispositions.

She emphasized the value of these exams in assessing tumor vascularity and blood flow.


The WISDOM Study, spearheaded by Esserman, compares personalized breast screening based on individual risk factors to standard annual mammography.

“Breast cancer rates have been on the rise in the U.S., even with screening efforts,” Esserman noted.

Recent findings revealed a nearly 4% increase in early-onset breast cancer among U.S. women from 2016 to 2019. While women above 50 face higher risks, the study highlighted an elevated risk among women under 40.

“In younger women, the incidence is lower but significant enough to warrant attention,” Esserman emphasized.

Participants like Williams, diagnosed in her late 30s without a family history of breast cancer, underscore the importance of timely detection and intervention.

Women aged 30 to 74 can contribute to breast cancer research by enrolling in the WISDOM study to promote early detection methods. Further details are available below.

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