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**The Future of Tech Giants’ App Stores in the Conversational Web**

The rise of generative AI platforms like ChatGPT has brought us a step closer to a ‘conversational …

The emergence of generative AI platforms like ChatGPT marks a significant advancement towards a ‘conversational web,’ potentially revolutionizing how we access information and services without the need for dedicated applications. This shift could signal a transformative change in the app ecosystem, potentially impacting major players like Apple and Google.

In an exclusive interview with Hussein Hallak, the co-founder of Momentable, an innovative AI-powered B2B2C SaaS platform connecting the art world with passionate art enthusiasts, we delved into the profound implications of conversational AI on our digital landscape.

BN: Can conversational AI revolutionize internet usage?

HH: Undoubtedly, conversational AI holds the power to reshape our online interactions fundamentally. It stands to redefine our behavior, expectations, and accessibility within the digital realm. With the increasing prevalence of AI-driven chatbots and agents, we are transitioning towards a paradigm where conversations with digital companions become the primary mode of information retrieval and task completion. As these technologies evolve to offer more intuitive interactions, our expectations for seamless engagement with the internet will only heighten, potentially rendering traditional websites obsolete.

This shift towards conversational interfaces not only transforms how we navigate the online world but also has profound implications for our daily lives and work routines.

BN: Will conversational AI promote equitable information access?

HH: While the proliferation of advanced AI tools enhances information accessibility, achieving true equity poses multifaceted challenges. Disparities in access may arise due to cost implications, geographical limitations, and biases inherent in the data used by AI systems. Addressing these issues demands robust measures to mitigate biases, regulatory interventions to ensure fairness, and educational initiatives to empower users in harnessing conversational AI effectively. Without concerted efforts to overcome these obstacles, the potential of conversational AI to benefit a global audience may remain unrealized.

BN: What implications will conversational AI have in the workplace?

HH: The integration of conversational AI in work environments offers both opportunities and challenges. While it can boost productivity and streamline information access across teams, there’s a risk of job displacement and a shift in responsibilities towards managing AI tools. Balancing the benefits of automation with the preservation of human creativity and collaboration is crucial for organizations navigating this transition successfully. Strategic planning, skill development initiatives, and employee empowerment are essential to leverage conversational AI effectively in the workplace.

BN: Could conversational AI limit consumer choice?

HH: Despite appearing to broaden consumer options, conversational AI’s reliance on algorithms may lead to repetitive suggestions influenced by trends, potentially constraining personalization and discovery. To prevent a homogenization of choices and ensure consumer welfare, a delicate balance between AI-driven recommendations and fostering innovation is necessary. Collaboration between tech giants and startups can drive consumer-centric solutions while upholding ethical standards and regulatory frameworks to safeguard consumer interests.

BN: How should tech giants adapt to the evolving AI landscape?

HH: Adapting to the dynamic AI landscape is imperative for tech giants, necessitating strategic realignments, resource allocation, and talent acquisition. While operational costs and talent scarcity pose challenges, embracing transformation is essential. Collaboration between established players and emerging startups, backed by a commitment to ethical AI practices and industry standards, will be pivotal in driving innovation and responsible AI deployment across sectors.

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