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### Collaborative Efforts by EU and US to Enhance AI Safety, Standards, and Research

The European Union and the US expect to announce a cooperation on AI Friday at a meeting of the EU-…

The collaboration between the European Union and the United States regarding AI is expected to be announced during a meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) this Friday. This information was shared by a senior Commission official briefing journalists in advance of the event.

Despite the current dominance of US tech giants like OpenAI in cutting-edge AI advancements, there is a noticeable trend towards increased cooperation between legislators on both sides of the Atlantic. This cooperation aims to address the challenges and opportunities presented by powerful AI technologies.

The TTC, established post-Trump era, serves as a platform for EU and US lawmakers to engage in discussions on transatlantic trade and tech policy issues. The upcoming meeting, the sixth since the forum’s inception in 2021, holds significance as it precedes elections in both regions. There is a sense of urgency among lawmakers to maximize collaborative opportunities before any potential disruptions to EU-US cooperation.

An anticipated announcement at the TTC meeting will revolve around the establishment of the AI Office and the US AI Safety Institute. This initiative aligns with the EU’s forthcoming AI Act, a comprehensive regulatory framework for AI applications set to come into effect later this year.

The agreement is expected to focus on AI safety and oversight, promoting collaboration between the EU and US AI oversight bodies to enhance regulatory enforcement on AI technologies. Additionally, the partnership will delve into standardization efforts to lay the groundwork for future AI developments through an “AI roadmap.”

Another key aspect of the EU-US AI agreement will be centered around leveraging AI for public good. This includes joint efforts to drive research activities and implement AI technologies in developing countries and regions in the global south, particularly in sectors like healthcare, agriculture, and energy.

The evolving perspective on AI sees it not merely as a trade issue, but as a shared goal between the EU and the US. Through initiatives like the AI Act and executive orders focused on AI safety and security, both parties aim to mitigate risks associated with AI while fostering its integration into their economies.

In addition to safety and standardization objectives, the collaboration between the EU and US is poised to extend to other emerging technologies. Areas such as electronic identity and platform regulation are also under consideration for joint efforts, reflecting a growing alignment in regulatory approaches between the two entities.

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Tags: , Last modified: April 8, 2024
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