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**George Carlin’s Daughter Advocates for AI “Safeguards” Following Settlement on Computer-Generated Special**

A one-hour computer generated special of the deceased comedy genius has been pulled down, & the…

George Carlin once famously remarked that “bulls**t is truly the American soundtrack.” Today, a touch of authenticity was restored to the online music scene.

Just over two months after the estate of the legendary comedian confronted the creators of an AI-generated special mimicking Carlin’s distinctive style and voice, a resolution has been reached.

The proposed injunction order, submitted in federal court by both parties, prohibits the defendants, Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen, from uploading, posting, or broadcasting the disputed Dudesy Special on the Dudesy Podcast or any platform they control, including YouTube and social media sites. Additionally, they are barred from utilizing George Carlin’s image, voice, or likeness without explicit consent from the plaintiffs.

Following the lawsuit filed by the Carlin estate, Sasso and Kultgen promptly removed the contentious digital special on January 31. Although the order is pending the signature of US District Judge Maame Ewusi-Mensah Frimpon, the matter is considered resolved unless the Dudsey podcast hosts breach the terms of the agreement.

Kelly Carlin, George Carlin’s daughter, views this case as a glimpse into the broader cultural and creative challenges stemming from the rapid advancement of AI technology.

Expressing her satisfaction with the swift resolution and responsible actions of the defendants, Carlin emphasized the need for safeguards against the potential risks posed by AI technologies, not only for artists but for all individuals.

The exponential progress in artificial intelligence, particularly since the introduction of ChatGPT, suggests imminent transformative changes across various spheres of life. As regulatory efforts are underway to manage this evolution, the debate surrounding the benefits and drawbacks of AI appears to intensify.

In the context of Carlin’s artistic legacy, the unauthorized one-hour special, “George Carlin: I’m Glad I’m Dead,” released on YouTube, blatantly disregarded legal boundaries. The settlement, which includes an injunction and potentially undisclosed damages, sets a precedent for addressing infringements involving AI-generated content featuring public figures.

Carlin’s estate attorney, Joshua Schiller, hailed the settlement as a significant victory, emphasizing the importance of promptly removing offending content to safeguard Carlin’s legacy and raise awareness about the risks associated with AI technology.

As AI continues to advance, the digital resurrection of deceased individuals may become more prevalent, underscoring the need for vigilance in addressing ethical and legal implications in this evolving landscape.

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Tags: Last modified: April 3, 2024
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