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### Encouraging APEC Members to Harness AI for Positive Transformation

U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday urged Asia-Pacific economies to work together to ensure that art…

U.S. President Joe Biden, during the final session of the 21-member Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APPEC) forum in San Francisco, called for collaboration among Asia-Pacific economies to ensure that artificial intelligence (AI) is harnessed for positive transformation rather than exploitation of workers or constraining potential. Biden emphasized the necessity for collective efforts to steer AI advancements towards beneficial outcomes.

In discussions with Chinese President Xi Jinping at APEC, Biden briefly touched upon the topic of AI, underscoring the need for responsible utilization of this technology. Despite Biden’s endeavors to bolster workers’ rights and promote regional unity to counterbalance China’s influence facing setbacks in trade negotiations, he accentuated the resilience of the U.S. economy and its interconnectedness with Pacific nations.

Reflecting on the rapid pace of scientific advancements, Biden remarked, “We’re going to see more scientific change in the next 10 years than we’ve seen the last 50 years.” He stressed the imperative of collaborative action to ensure that these advancements lead to societal betterment.

Biden disclosed that the United States had convened leading AI firms to voluntarily commit to upholding the safety and reliability of AI systems. These commitments included measures to ensure the safety of AI systems before deployment, implementing watermarks on AI-generated content to indicate artificial intelligence origin, and mitigating societal risks posed by AI platforms such as bias and discrimination.

Additionally, Biden highlighted an executive order signed last month aimed at fostering the development of technologies to safeguard privacy and prevent employers from exploiting AI to the detriment of workers. This directive mandated the government to disclose safety assessment outcomes for the most advanced AI systems.

Furthermore, Washington pledged to escalate funding for AI research in critical sectors like healthcare and climate change, demonstrating a concerted effort to leverage AI for societal progress and address pressing challenges.

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Last modified: February 17, 2024
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