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– Why I’ll Never Rely on AI for Planning My Costa Rica Trip Again

Planning trips with ChatGPT was a letdown.

In a world where skepticism towards artificial intelligence abounds, I maintain a cautious optimism regarding its widespread adoption. Despite the undeniable drawbacks such as the proliferation of deepfakes (as evidenced by the incident involving Taylor Swift), job displacement, and the potential for AI-induced intellectual complacency, I contend that similar to past disruptive technologies like the internet, ride-sharing applications, and social media, AI brings both challenges and benefits to society.

Advocates in favor of AI argue that it will significantly simplify our lives. To test this claim, I recently experimented with leveraging ChatGPT to assist in planning a trip to Costa Rica with my significant other. While a five-day vacation is undoubtedly enjoyable, crafting an extensive itinerary can be quite tedious. Thus, I decided to explore the capabilities of AI for the first time in organizing our Costa Rica adventure.

Objectives for My Costa Rica Trip

My Costa Rica itinerary aimed to encompass five key activities: zip lining, off-roading with ATVs, hiking at La Paz waterfalls, embarking on a food-sampling tour, and exploring San José. The latter, in particular, required additional guidance, prompting me to turn to AI for assistance.

A waterfall surrounded by green foliage

Captivating cascades at the La Paz Waterfall Gardens Nature ParkCredit: Jason England

Although I had allocated five days for our Costa Rica trip, practical constraints limited our actual leisure time to three days. Due to a late arrival in San José on Monday at 10 p.m. and an early departure back to New York on Friday after midnight, our schedule was condensed. Consequently, we scheduled the food-sampling tour on Tuesday, followed by zip lining and ATV activities on Wednesday, and the La Paz waterfalls hike on Thursday. Thus, Tuesday morning presented the sole opportunity for exploring San José before our 3 p.m. tour.

Planning Tools for My Costa Rica Adventure

For planning our San José exploration, I utilized the free version of ChatGPT, specifically ChatGPT 3.5.

My prompt: “Staying at URBN Escalante in San José, Costa Rica, I aimed to visit key points of interest, including ideal photography spots and budget-friendly souvenir shops, with a concluding stop at Los Presentes by 3 p.m. Starting at 9 a.m. Omitting lunch, provide an itinerary.”(Note: Los Presentes was the designated meeting point for our 3 p.m. food-sampling tour.)

ChatGPT’s response: Commence at 9 a.m. from URBN Escalante. Explore the neighborhood and enjoy breakfast at a local café. By 10 a.m., proceed to the Central Market (Mercado Central) to experience the vibrant atmosphere, sample local fruits, and capture picturesque scenes. At 11:30 a.m., venture to Barrio Amón for a stroll amidst historic architecture and street art, ensuring to capture memorable moments. By 1:00 p.m., visit Mercado Nacional de Artesanías to browse through affordable souvenirs like handicrafts, ceramics, and local artwork. Conclude your shopping by 2 p.m. and head to Lost Presentes to explore unique gifts and souvenirs before their 3 p.m. closure. Arrive at Los Presentes by 3 p.m. to wrap up your day of exploration and shopping.

Reflections on AI Assistance for Travel Planning

The vague directive to “take a walk around the neighborhood” proved to be less helpful than anticipated. Our serendipitous discovery of captivating murals in Barrio Escalante underscored the limitations of AI-generated itineraries.

Mural in San José, Costa Rica

Striking mural in San José, Costa RicaCredit: Jason England

Furthermore, I realized the importance of specifying the exclusion of breakfast in my prompt, as we had already consumed coffee and a muffin prior to commencing our exploration. Ideally, ChatGPT should possess the sophistication to recommend specific, well-regarded cafes favored by locals and tourists alike, catering to varying preferences.

Despite initial reservations, our visit to Mercado Central revealed hidden gems beyond its initial impression of a typical bustling market. While initially deterred by the pervasive fish odor, we encountered a diverse array of offerings, from exotic merchandise to delectable local cuisine like gallo pinto and maduros.

A chance encounter at a souvenir shop led to the acquisition of a stunning wooden mug adorned with a vibrant Costa Rican parrot design, prompting us to forgo the Mercado Nacional de Artesanías excursion.

Wooden souvenir mug from Costa Rica

Exquisite wooden souvenir mug from Costa RicaCredit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

Subsequent experiences within Mercado Central, guided by a human tour expert, unveiled the market’s rich historical significance and culinary delights. Notably, we sampled a distinctive nutmeg-infused ice cream with a century-old recipe and a unique ceviche variation blended with barbecue-flavored corn chips, showcasing the depth of local culinary traditions.

Ice cream shop in Mercado Central

Ice cream parlor in Mercado Central, San JoséCredit: Jason England

The interactive narrative provided by the tour guide underscored the invaluable insights that human guidance can offer, surpassing the capabilities of AI-generated recommendations. While ChatGPT’s suggestions were informative, they paled in comparison to the immersive experience facilitated by a knowledgeable local guide.

Enhancing ChatGPT’s Utility as a Travel Companion

My initial optimism regarding ChatGPT’s potential was tempered by the limitations encountered during my Costa Rica trip planning. Operating within the confines of the free ChatGPT tier, I recognized the need for significant improvements in the AI’s itinerary generation capabilities. OpenAI’s acknowledgment of ChatGPT’s declining performance underscores the necessity for enhancements to elevate its functionality.

Rather than vague directives, personalized recommendations tailored to specific interests and preferences would enhance the utility of AI-generated itineraries. Detailed insights on prominent landmarks and renowned establishments, akin to the “SJO ¡Vive!” sculptures in San José, would enrich the travel planning experience.

SJO Vive sign in San José

“SJO ¡Vive!” sculpture in San José, Costa RicaCredit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

While human guidance remains unparalleled in providing nuanced perspectives and contextual depth, AI tools like ChatGPT have the potential to evolve into valuable travel companions. By incorporating targeted recommendations and refining itinerary suggestions, AI can bridge the gap between automated assistance and personalized travel experiences. Despite the current superiority of human-guided exploration, continuous advancements in AI technology hold promise for future enhancements in travel planning efficiency.

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Tags: Last modified: April 2, 2024
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