The AI robot from Grok, initially planned as an exclusive feature for X’s top-tier Premium+ members, will now be available to all advanced subscribers this year. This decision aims to potentially boost revenue amidst declining platform usage and an influx of advertisements, causing some Premium+ members to question the value of their current subscription.
X Advanced Subscription Levels
Upon introducing a third advanced tier, X now offers three paid membership levels:
- Premium Basic, priced at $3 per month
- Premium, priced at $8 per month
- Premium+, priced at $16 per month
Despite the Premium+ subscription being twice as costly, the additional benefits compared to Premium are minimal. Premium+ eliminates ads in the For You and Following sections but does not extend to sponsored content elsewhere on the platform.
This exclusion encompasses promoted content across various sections on X, including informational ads, post answer ads, Immersive Media Viewer ads, Explore events, trending promotions, and suggested accounts.
Another feature exclusive to the base tier is Articles, enabling users to promote extensive content on X as they see fit.
Grok AI Robot
Operating on a mechanism akin to ChatGPT and Claude, the Grok AI robot is designed to interact with users, distinguished by its unique ‘character’ as described by Musk, embodying “wit” and a “rebel streak.”
Grok is anticipated to delve into more delicate topics due to its perceived lack of robust safeguards compared to other AI models.
Initially positioned as a Premium+ exclusive benefit, Elon Musk’s recent tweet indicates that access to the Grok AI robot will extend to other paid subscribers, with potential inclusion for Premium Basic members, although clarity on this remains pending.
Grok’s availability will expand to all premium subscribers in the upcoming weeks, transcending its previous exclusivity to Premium+ members.
In an effort to bolster paid membership amidst financial challenges, Musk’s decision aligns with reports of dwindling profits and the departure of key advertisers from the platform. U.S. X usage witnessed an 18% decline year-over-year as of February, dropping by 23% post-Musk’s acquisition. Notably, Sensor Tower identified that 75 of the top 100 U.S. X advertisers in October 2022 ceased allocating ad budgets to the platform.
9to5Mac’s Perspective
With a robot poised to offer less restricted information, a more spirited demeanor overseen by Musk, and the primary aim of revenue enhancement, the introduction of Grok raises questions about potential pitfalls in this strategic shift.