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### Record Warns of AI ‘Catastrophe’ Threatening 8 Million UK Jobs

Women, younger workers and lower paid are at most risk from artificial intelligence, says IPPR thin…

In a scenario dubbed as the “employment apocalypse,” a report has highlighted the looming risk posed by an artificial intelligence-driven “jobs apocalypse,” potentially endangering close to 8 million jobs in the UK. The report emphasizes that the impact of technology is particularly severe for women, younger workers, and individuals in lower wage brackets.

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) has identified entry-level, part-time, and administrative roles as the most vulnerable to being replaced by AI in a “worst-case scenario” of technology deployment over the next three to five years.

As businesses increasingly integrate generative AI systems to streamline daily operations, the IPPR cautions that the UK is at a critical juncture akin to a “sliding doors” moment.

The report underscores that while the initial wave of AI implementation is jeopardizing existing jobs, a subsequent wave of AI advancements could potentially lead to job creation. Currently, 11% of tasks across various job types are at risk, with this figure projected to escalate to 59% in the next phase as technology evolves to handle more intricate processes.

Tasks involving routine cognitive functions like database management, scheduling, and inventory control are already under threat, posing a risk to roles in secretarial work, administration, and customer service. Conversely, the utilization of AI in non-routine tasks such as advertising, graphic design, and database development may impact higher-paying positions.

Individuals engaged in more specialized roles are likely to face heightened concerns, particularly those in clerical and administrative occupations, as per the IPPR.

In a pessimistic scenario for the upcoming AI wave, a staggering 7.9 million jobs could be at stake if productivity enhancements are not achieved within the next few years, resulting in a mere 0.5% GDP growth. Conversely, an optimistic outlook envisions no job losses with full integration of generative AI, potentially boosting the market size by 4%, equivalent to around £92 billion annually.

The IPPR, a left-of-center think tank, has sounded the alarm regarding the workforce implications and advocates for governmental interventions to avert a potential “jobs apocalypse” while leveraging AI’s capacity to drive economic expansion and elevate living standards.

Carsten Jung, a senior economist at IPPR, highlights the transformative potential of existing relational AI, foreseeing significant labor market disruptions or substantial economic growth. He stresses the pivotal role of stakeholders in making strategic decisions to effectively manage this technological evolution, emphasizing that proactive measures are imperative to navigate the impending changes successfully.

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Tags: , Last modified: March 27, 2024
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