Written by 1:55 pm AI, Education

### Collaborative Efforts Between Academicians and AI: A Definite Possibility

An effect of the new technology ‘doesn’t have to be the removal’ of teachers from the classroom

Although it may not entirely supplant teachers and school professors, artificial intelligence is revolutionizing how the educational system engages with learning.

Robert Seamans, a management and organizational behavior professor at NYU Stern School of Business, envisions AI tools like ChatGPT as aids for educators to advance their careers rather than replace their roles. Seamans anticipates that these tools will not only be quicker but also hopes they will enhance the educational experience.

According to research co-authored by Seamans, the education industry, particularly sociology and social science teachers, is among the top ten professions most affected by AI’s rapid growth. However, Seamans emphasizes that rather than being replaced, educators will see changes in how they carry out their responsibilities.

Individuals at NYU Stern School of Business are already utilizing advanced bots to enrich the learning process.

The study recognizes the potential for job displacement due to AI but also underscores the technology’s benefits. As businesses and workers leverage these new resources, a workforce skilled in AI can be advantageous for both employers and employees.

In the realm of education, there is a shift towards how educators deliver content and engage with students, with tools like ChatGPT and automated administrative tasks fostering more interaction.

David Veredas, a professor at Brussels’ Vlerick Business School, views AI as a facilitator for educators and students, akin to resources like Wikipedia and Google. He envisions AI, including virtual reality, enhancing the learning journey.

Greg Benson, a computer science professor at the University of San Francisco, has launched Gemini Cafe, a platform for discussing AI’s potential in education. While AI tools like intelligent chatbots can aid learning, Benson cautions against plagiarism and underscores the importance of original work.

Seamans notes that ChatGPT has expedited his writing process, facilitating idea generation and structuring of research papers. AI’s role is seen as complementary rather than a replacement for educators’ input.

Benson highlights experimental tools like Google’s NotebookLM, which act as virtual assistants for teachers, aiding in summarizing information and creating study materials.

Veredas remains optimistic about the future of education amidst AI advancements, emphasizing the irreplaceable aspects of learning such as discussion and critical thinking that AI can support.

The Financial Times is inviting young individuals to participate in a global discussion on AI in education, emphasizing the role of artificial intelligence in learning and its impact on society and well-being.

The upcoming report by the FT on AI for education will capture significant developments and perspectives from the youth, highlighting the importance of values like respect, kindness, and empathy in shaping the future of education.

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