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### Elections Authorities Sound Alarm Over AI and Deepfakes as 2024 Races Intensify

The Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity agency sent warnings and tips to election…

The increasing prevalence of misinformation in politics is evident as the federal government provides guidance to states on countering sophisticated attempts to deceive voters as the 2024 elections approach.

The Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity agency has issued alerts and recommendations to elections officials in North Carolina and other states on combating tactics utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to propagate false information about candidates and election processes.

In North Carolina, proactive measures are being taken to address these deceptive strategies. The State Board of Elections expresses ongoing concerns about the dissemination of misleading election information online and via social media, particularly with the emergence of AI-driven misinformation.

The utilization of AI technologies, such as deepfakes, in political campaigns has become increasingly prevalent. Instances include the creation of fabricated images and videos to manipulate perceptions, as seen in ads targeting various candidates in North Carolina and nationally.

The ethical implications of AI manipulation in elections have sparked debates. While some defend the use of AI for satirical purposes, others, like Democratic nominee Josh Stein, strongly condemn such practices. The potential misuse of AI to deceive voters has raised alarms among election experts and officials.

Efforts to address AI-related election threats extend beyond North Carolina, with authorities in New Hampshire launching investigations into AI-generated robocalls spreading misinformation. The need for vigilance and preparedness to combat AI-enabled deception in elections is underscored by the Federal Communications Commission’s actions against AI-assisted robocalls.

Despite the absence of specific laws targeting AI manipulation in North Carolina’s electoral landscape, advocates stress the importance of public awareness and reliance on credible sources for election information. The need for secure election processes and the mitigation of risks posed by AI manipulation remain key priorities for election officials and policymakers.

As discussions surrounding AI regulation in elections continue, the emphasis on safeguarding election integrity and countering misinformation through collaborative efforts between election authorities and law enforcement remains paramount.

WRAL State Government Reporter Paul Specht contributed reporting.

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