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**Replai Secures $8 Million Funding, Unveils AI for Wireless Game Advertisements**

Replai has unveiled its tech for combining AI with mobile game advertising to make much more effect…

A Software as a Service (SaaS) entity named Replai has introduced its technology merging AI with mobile game advertising to craft more potent ads swiftly. Moreover, the company has secured $8 million in funding.

Replai’s AI is designed to streamline video production for marketing endeavors, promoting efficiency and promptness in ad creation.

The platform processes over $5 billion in ad expenditure annually. Presently, Replai’s technology generates thousands of video ads monthly, concentrating on collaborations with prominent gaming corporations globally. The latest AI innovation by the company marks a pivotal moment in game advertising, excelling in automated video creation from data or textual cues.

CEO Joo Vieira da Costa stated, “Replai AI design is a logical progression stemming from the intelligence system, capabilities, and information models we’ve cultivated over years.” The transformative impact is tangible and is empowering professionals in unprecedented ways. “The outcomes from placing the design tools in the hands of early adopters were surprising.” We witnessed both innovative and non-creative individuals producing inspiring content.

Acknowledging the vast market potential and the inevitable influx of competitors, da Costa added, “We are well aware of the expansive market landscape.” Leveraging the substantial data processed into actionable insights and a genuine commitment to aiding our valued clientele, Replai endeavors to carve a niche.

The trend of leveraging AI to enhance business operations, such as ad creation, is evident.

Da Costa noted, “The industry is witnessing rapid evolution.” Our foray into developing relational AI features commenced over a year ago. It was a watershed moment when we successfully utilized AI to craft entire videos from scratch.”

Da Costa emphasized the industry’s positive reception towards the company’s initiatives, highlighting significant opportunities. Replai boasts a workforce of approximately 30 individuals, with the majority of the product team stationed in Portugal.

A standout feature of Replai’s AI breakthrough is its ability to generate videos utilizing customer ad-network accounts and game data. The AI decodes in-game data, interprets tags, and autonomously crafts real-time video creatives employing advanced computer vision.

The company channels around $5 billion in annual advertising expenditure into its data platform, synergizing it with its conceptual AI model to promptly produce videos for clients. It can autonomously create ads as required and seamlessly integrate existing video content and advertisements.

Replai delivers the video ads directly to the client’s ad networks for real-time review and feedback.

Da Costa explained, “We can promptly launch and broadcast the video, receiving real-time feedback.” The client’s involvement is minimal. Replai also recommends cross-validating data from alternate sources. Any necessary adjustments can be swiftly implemented, in contrast to the prolonged timelines associated with manual labor.

“We can then evaluate it live, initiating a feedback loop.” We scrutinize and assess the variables, combining the data we utilize with the indicators aiding our decision-making,” he elaborated. “The AI system autonomously generates a new video advertisement.” This aspect garners significant attention, in our estimation.

Additionally, Replai evaluates performance metrics, seamlessly integrates these videos into ad campaigns, and tailors creative variations for diverse ad networks. Leveraging Replai’s Learning Language Model (LLM), video tags and metrics data are transformed into fresh and captivating content.

Replai has elevated its innovation by introducing a distinctive text-to-video application empowering customer acquisition and creative teams to effectuate AI-driven modifications to existing videos or craft entirely new ones. This tool confers a competitive advantage by mimicking competitors’ styles.

Da Costa underscored the technology’s potential to revolutionize the global marketing landscape for gaming enterprises.

Established in 2019 by Da Costa, Replai asserts its leadership in creative insights for mobile games advertising. The AI-powered platform at Replai instantaneously generates marketing videos from product content, ad network data, and textual cues.

Targeting international gaming brands, Replai emphasizes performance marketing utilizing cutting-edge computer vision and AI models to enhance growth and marketing efficacy. With headquarters in San Francisco, London, and Porto, the company prioritizes innovation and customer-centric solutions.

“We have collaborated with select key clients in stealth mode, and they have been immensely satisfied,” da Costa shared. “They have reached a stage where the platform is incredibly beneficial, at times producing hundreds or even thousands of clips per month.” The impact has been profound.

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Last modified: February 25, 2024
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