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### Negotiating with an AI for Affordable Mattresses: A Frustrating Encounter

Nectar’s new AI chatbot lets you haggle for your new mattress

As the Nap Editor at TechRadar, I dedicate a significant amount of time to exploring websites of mattress brands, monitoring prices, and staying informed about their latest developments. While this task may not always be captivating, today I stumbled upon an intriguing innovation from Nectar Sleep UK – their new AI-powered negotiation tool.

Nectar Sleep UK has recognized the need to move beyond the conventional approach of simply displaying a fixed price for their beds. Customers now have the option to either purchase the bed along with a complimentary bedding package at a set price or engage with the “Create an Offer” feature, allowing them to negotiate the price if they wish to make an individual purchase. This negotiation process is facilitated by a dialogue tool called Nibble AI, distinct from ChatGPT.

Nectar Sleep is a well-established and widely recognized international mattress company, known for its quality products. In our review of Nectar’s mattresses, where the flagship model received an impressive four-star rating, it secured a place in both our US and UK best bed guides.

The introduction of a system that requires customers to negotiate prices raises the question of whether we are entering an era where haggling with AI systems will become a norm. To explore this concept further, I decided to test out the Nectar bot.

Upon accessing the bot, I was initially intrigued by its proactive approach. However, upon returning after a brief interruption, I noticed that Nibble had already reduced its initial offer without any input from my end. This dynamic pricing strategy raised some interesting observations.

Despite my attempt to negotiate based on a previous price record of £483 for the bed, Nibble responded with a dismissive “No offer!” accompanied by a cheerful emoji. The ensuing back-and-forth with Nibble, offering incremental price reductions, led to a final purchase price of £490. While this represented a reasonable deal compared to recent pricing trends, it underscored the importance of being well-informed to navigate Nibble’s negotiation tactics effectively.

During my interaction with the bot, I encountered a mix of responses, ranging from friendly exchanges to more assertive interactions. Colleagues also shared their experiences, with some resorting to unconventional tactics to elicit responses from Nibble.

The experience prompted reflections on the mattress industry’s marketing strategies, including the use of countdown timers and sales tactics to drive consumer urgency. It became evident that informed decision-making is crucial in navigating such sales environments.

Ultimately, the consensus among my colleagues who engaged with Nibble was one of intrigue and contemplation about the evolving landscape of consumer interactions. The notion of negotiating with AI systems for purchases presents a novel and potentially transformative vision for the future consumer experience.

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Tags: Last modified: March 12, 2024
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