Written by 9:40 am AI, Latest news, Medical

**Boca Raton Soldiers Receive Free AI-Enhanced MRI Scans to Combat Increasing Cancer Rates**

As cancer rates are on the rise in the military community, veterans in Boca Raton had the chance to…

Veterans in Boca Raton were given the chance to undergo a complimentary MRI test to assess potential health risks, utilizing artificial intelligence for disease detection, especially with the increasing cancer rates in the military community.

Over the weekend, the Hunter Seven Foundation, a non-profit organization, partnered with the clinical diagnostic imaging center Prenuvo to provide free full-body MRI scans to veterans. This initiative was made possible by a generous donation from Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis & Overholtz, PLLC (AWKO) in Pensacola.

A total of 18 veterans and active duty service members, who would not typically have access to comprehensive MRI screenings, took advantage of this opportunity at Prenuvo’s Boca Raton facility.

Among the beneficiaries was Derek Nadalini, an Army veteran with 20 years of service, who emphasized the tradition of serving the nation within his family. Derek, who has extensive combat experience, highlighted the importance of maintaining his health and well-being.

The prevalence of cancer among veterans, particularly in younger military personnel, has been on the rise, as noted by Chelsey Simoni, the co-founder and executive director of Hunter Seven. The organization aims to address this issue by offering advanced screening services to military members.

Prenuvo’s advanced MRI technology, powered by artificial intelligence, can detect a wide range of health conditions, including various cancers, at an early stage. This innovative approach enhances the speed and accuracy of diagnosis, crucial for timely intervention and treatment.

The collaboration between Hunter Seven, Prenuvo, and supportive donors underscores the commitment to prioritizing the health and wellness of veterans and active duty service members. By leveraging cutting-edge medical technology and expertise, these initiatives strive to ensure early detection and proactive healthcare management for those who have served their country.

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