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### Strategies to Prepare for the Impact of Relationship AI on the IT Sector

What does AI mean for the future of tech workers? Five business leaders tell us where you should fo…

The emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) often instills fear among individuals. Some experts argue that upcoming technologies are advancing to the point where they can outperform human counterparts in various tasks.

Studies indicate that approximately 17% of IT jobs may be at risk of automation. While the accuracy of this estimation remains debatable, one undeniable fact is that the landscape of IT professional roles is on the brink of a profound transformation.

So, how can technology professionals brace themselves for this impending shift in responsibilities? Here are insights from five business leaders on how IT professionals can equip themselves for this change.

1. Cultivate a Strong Foundation

Nigel Richardson, the Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer for Europe at PepsiCo, emphasizes that the ability of AI to efficiently generate code does not diminish the need for programmers at esteemed organizations like his. Instead, he views the rise of generative AI as an advantageous opportunity for IT professionals.

According to Richardson, AI will streamline mundane programming tasks, prompting IT professionals to concentrate on three fundamental areas: Compute, algorithms, and data.

He advises aspiring IT professionals to establish a solid understanding of various technologies, especially in the initial stages of their careers. Despite the prevalence of cloud infrastructure, foundational skills in core technologies remain essential.

Moreover, Richardson underscores the significance of delving into the intricacies of machine learning and mastering the art of securely leveraging data.

2. Strive for Versatility

Nic Granger, the Director of Corporate and Chief Financial Officer at the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA), stresses the continued importance of a robust technical groundwork for IT professionals in the AI era. However, she introduces a nuanced perspective on this notion.

Granger questions the wisdom of specializing in a single skill, such as mastering a specific programming language like C++, citing concerns about its relevance in the long term.

She advocates for adaptability and the ability to embrace new technologies, emphasizing the value of becoming a generalist in the digital and data domains to broaden career prospects.

3. Enhance Your Interpersonal Skills

Caroline Carruthers, the Chief Executive Officer of Carruthers and Jackson consultancy, perceives AI as augmented intelligence rather than a replacement for human intellect.

She envisions a collaborative environment where humans leverage AI tools to handle repetitive tasks, enabling IT professionals to focus on more stimulating challenges and solve complex problems.

Carruthers underscores the importance of patience in integrating AI to enhance human skills. She encourages IT professionals to view AI as a supportive tool rather than a threat, emphasizing the need for a gradual learning curve and ongoing adaptation to emerging technologies.

4. Prioritize Value-Centric Areas

Craig Donald, the Chief Information Officer at The Football Association (FA), acknowledges the potential impact of AI on the IT domain within his organization.

Donald reveals ongoing trials within the technology department, exploring the application of AI in unit testing to ensure the efficiency of source code components.

By automating certain tasks through AI tools, Donald aims to empower his IT team to concentrate on projects that deliver greater value to The FA’s stakeholders, including footballers, managers, administrators, and fans.

5. Sharpen Your Prompt Engineering Expertise

Andy Moore, the Chief Data Officer (CDO) at Bentley Motors, acknowledges the competitive nature of the rapidly evolving technology landscape. He highlights the significance of generative AI tools like Copilot in the IT development process.

While emphasizing the importance of staying abreast of new technologies, Moore underscores the growing relevance of prompt engineering skills. Writing effective prompts for generative AI necessitates strong writing abilities, especially considering that English is the predominant language in coding.

Moore emphasizes the criticality of understanding how to leverage generative AI effectively to drive value, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between human expertise and AI capabilities.

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Tags: , Last modified: March 9, 2024
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