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– AI Bot: 4 Practical Applications for Genuine Benefits

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While my role involves writing about technology, I, like many others, haven’t fully embraced cutting-edge AI tools such as ChatGPT.

Although some individuals may find ChatGPT valuable and use it frequently, the majority do not share the same sentiment.

Recent surveys indicate that a significant percentage of people have not engaged with AI chatbots like ChatGPT in the past six months. This lack of interaction is particularly notable among Americans, as highlighted in a Pew poll from the previous summer.

For those who align with the majority in avoiding AI tools, it’s acceptable to allocate minimal attention to chatbots at present.

Despite potential criticism from tech enthusiasts, it’s argued that chatbots may not be the most efficient choice for various tasks, posing the risk of errors. Simpler systems are often recommended for better outcomes.

Misusing bots for inappropriate tasks, akin to using a leaf blower to clean hair, can lead to dissatisfaction with the technology.

To showcase the capabilities and limitations of AI, four scenarios are outlined to illustrate when a robot can be beneficial and when alternative solutions may be preferable.

For beginners, Microsoft’s Copilot, formerly known as Bing, is recommended as a starting point for exploring AI applications. Copilot is easily accessible via the internet, iPhone, and Android apps.

It is suggested to utilize a bot when uncertain about phrasing, while caution is advised against relying on chatbots for word definitions or synonyms.

Creating imaginative images with the assistance of chatbots is encouraged, but relying on them for image information is discouraged.

Similarly, using chatbots to identify plants or condense lengthy reports is deemed less effective compared to specialized apps or manual summarization.

While AI-generated images can be entertaining, concerns about plagiarism and biases exist. Seeking specific information, like plant identification, is better suited for dedicated apps like Seek or Google Lens.

In instances where personal recommendations are needed, chatbots may fall short, as demonstrated by the limitations encountered when seeking advice on purchasing a bike.

Despite ongoing improvements in AI knowledge quality, it’s advisable to cross-reference information from chatbots with reliable sources and exercise caution in relying solely on their recommendations.

Engaging with chatbots for creative writing prompts or assistance in mundane tasks can yield varied results, with potential for further exploration or refinement based on individual needs.

Lastly, while chatbots can offer support in certain scenarios, it’s essential to verify information independently and refrain from relying solely on their outputs for critical or factual details. Trusted sources like Wikipedia or Google are recommended for accurate information retrieval.

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Tags: Last modified: February 28, 2024
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