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### Enhancing Golf Skills with the Aid of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, including your golf game. But don’t worry, it’s …

An intriguing concept rapidly gaining traction in businesses worldwide is artistic intelligence.

While still in its nascent stages with more advancements on the horizon, significant progress is already evident. This topic will be delved into further in this week’s special AI-themed episode of the Golf IQ podcast, accessible above.

AI plays a crucial role in assisting players and coaches by promptly pinpointing issues in golf swings, as elucidated by Jeehae Lee, CEO of Sportsbox AI and the podcast’s host.

I personally utilized Sportsbox AI to analyze my own swing, showcasing how AI can positively impact your game and what valuable insights can be gleaned from it.

1. Moving the game can be advantageous to a certain extent.

While most golfers understand the importance of reaching the roadside where energy is concentrated, many overlook the early weight shift that occurs. Professional golfers typically complete their weight shift by the time the club is parallel to the ground during the takeaway, initiating the process of re-centering onto their left side. Sportsbox’s AI accurately measures this with its “pelvis influence” metric, a subtle detail often missed by the naked eye. This shift off the game is crucial before initiating the next movement.

2. Skillful execution to reach your left edge.

Professionals adeptly transition to their left side during the downswing, facilitated by the process of recentering. Using an AI-generated model of Rory’s swing, the significant lateral shift he makes is highlighted:

  • Two inches apart at address.
  • Centered or zero at the top of the swing.
  • Five feet towards the target at impact.

This profound insight provided by AI illuminated the challenge of making such a substantial shift in my own swing.

3. Maintain rotational momentum.

AI swiftly identified my lack of chest turn through the ball, indicating a below-average “chest turn” highlighted in the visualization. This deficiency is attributed to swinging excessively from in-to-out, causing my hands to get stuck behind during the downswing, leading to frustrating blocks or hooks. The advice to keep the rotation fluid was particularly enlightening.

These captivating AI-driven revelations can be revisited by watching or listening to the full AI episode below.

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Last modified: February 25, 2024
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