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### Report: 1000 Indians Involved in Amazon’s Fresh Stores Just Walk Out Project Powered by “Generative AI”

What was billed a self-checkout system powered by cameras and censors, giving the illusion of an au…

The Transformation of Amazon’s Just Walk Out Technology

Amazon’s ambitious Just Walk Out technology, initially touted as a self-checkout system driven by cameras and sensors, has undergone a significant shift. Recent reports indicate that Amazon is phasing out this tech from all its Fresh grocery stores in the US. Contrary to the AI-driven narrative, it has come to light that the system heavily relied on human intervention, specifically involving thousands of workers from India who manually added items to carts and processed customer charges based on their selections.

The Initial Vision and Reality Check

Initially marketed as a sophisticated blend of computer vision, object recognition, advanced sensors, and generative AI, Just Walk Out aimed to revolutionize the retail experience. Jon Jenkins, the vice president overseeing the technology, highlighted its ability to differentiate between shoppers without compromising their privacy. The system was designed to detect interactions between shoppers and products, seamlessly adding chosen items to virtual carts without the need for personal information.

The Unveiling of the Truth

However, recent revelations paint a different picture. While over half of Amazon Fresh stores incorporated Just Walk Out, the seemingly automated process concealed the involvement of over 1,000 individuals in India who meticulously monitored and labeled videos to ensure accurate transactions. Essentially, the traditional cashier role was outsourced to off-site workers, leading to delayed receipts and order inaccuracies. The maintenance costs and operational challenges associated with the technology further underscored its inefficiencies.

Transition towards Dash Carts

In response to these limitations, Amazon is contemplating a shift towards Dash Carts, featuring built-in scanners and screens to enhance the shopping experience. This transition signifies a strategic move away from the labor-intensive Just Walk Out model towards a more streamlined and customer-centric approach.

User Reactions and Industry Insights

The revelation of human involvement in Amazon’s AI-driven initiative sparked varied reactions among users. Some expressed skepticism towards the perceived efficiency of AI, highlighting the reliance on manual labor behind the scenes. Others raised concerns about the displacement of jobs under the guise of technological advancement, emphasizing the need for ethical considerations in automation strategies.

Looking Ahead

As Amazon navigates this transition and explores alternative technologies, the evolution of retail automation continues to be a topic of interest and debate. The shift from Just Walk Out to Dash Carts exemplifies the dynamic nature of technological innovation and the imperative of balancing efficiency with ethical practices in the retail landscape.



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News / World News / US News / 1000 Indians part of Amazon’s “generative AI” driven Just Walk Out project in Fresh stores.

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